
Nematode attractionassays were conducted according to(Hu et al., 2017).Briefly, 1 ml23% PF-127 containing 150 J2s and one rootwas added into each well of a 12-well tissue culture plate. The plates weretransferred to room temperature to allow the gel to solidify. The number of J2touching the root surface up to 5 mm from the root tip was counted at 2 h under an OLYMPUS SZX-16 dissecting microscope(Olympus Corporation, Japan). 

Nematode attractionassays were conducted according to(Hu et al., 2017).Briefly, 1 ml23% PF-127 containing 150 J2s and one rootwas added into each well of a 12-well tissue culture plate. The plates weretransferred to room temperature to allow the gel to solidify. The number of J2touching the root surface up to 5 mm from the root tip was counted at 2 h under an OLYMPUS SZX-16 dissecting microscope(Olympus Corporation, Japan). 

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